Student Health Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Clinic Questions

If you cannot locate the answer to your questions, please contact us (703-993-2831) and we will be happy to answer. Our site search tool is located at the top of our website.

I am a student and have a health or medical concern, what should I do?

Students can call 703-993-2831 to schedule an appointment or talk with a nurse about symptoms, illness, or other concerns. Video telehealth appointments and in-person appointments are available.

After-hours, students can follow phone prompts to connect to the free nurse advice phone service.

If you are sick, stay home and take appropriate precautions to limit the spread of illness.

Can students walk-in to the clinic?

No. Students must call Student Health Services 703-993-2831 to schedule an appointment before coming to the clinic. We often have same day appointments available for acute concerns.

What do I need to do or have for my appointment?

Students should call 703-993-2831 during operating hours to schedule an appointment or speak with a nurse.

Visit our Appointments webpage for details about your telehealth or in-person appointment.

Visit our Immunization Appointment webpage for details about your immunization (vaccination) appointment.

Do I need to buy the student health insurance plan to be seen at Student Health Services?

No. All currently enrolled George Mason University students are eligible to be seen at Student Health Services whether they have insurance or not. There is no charge to be seen by a healthcare provider, there are fees for supplies, immunizations, lab work,  medications, and some procedures.

Do I need to have health insurance to be seen?

No. All currently enrolled Mason students are eligible to be seen at Student Health whether they have health insurance or not.

How much will my appointment cost?

There is no charge to be seen by a healthcare provider at Student Health Services.

There are fees for supplies, vaccinations/immunizations, lab tests, medications, and some procedures or treatments. Common fees are listed on our website. Ask your provider about any costs.

Does Student Health provide excuse notes?

No. Student Health Services does not provide medical excuse (doctor’s) notes for missed classes or missed work.

If needed, you can ask your healthcare provider for a Visit Verification Statement at the end of your appointment at Student Health Services which indicates the time and date of the appointment.

Student Health Services does not advise students about absence unless a contagious illness or a severe or longer-term medical condition justifies that recommendation.

The student and their professor (or supervisor) should communicate at the earliest opportunity to determine decisions about the impact of an absence, missed class/work, or deadlines.

What if I cannot make my appointment? What if I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment?

We understand that sometimes you may need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Patients should contact Student Health to cancel or reschedule an appointment at least 4 hours prior to the appointment time.

There will be a No-Show fee assessed if a patient misses their appointment and/or does not cancel their appointment at least 4 hours prior to the appointment time.

To cancel an appointment

  • Call Student Health at 703-993-2831 to cancel or reschedule during open hours.
  • Email to cancel an appointment only.
    • Include your name, G#, and date/time of your appointment
    • Include the words ‘cancel appointment’ in the subject line
    • Do not put any additional information in the email
What if I have an appointment and the university is unexpectedly closed because of bad weather or a power outage? Is Student Health closed?

Student Health follows university closings. If George Mason University is closed, Student Health Services clinics and offices are closed as well for in-person appointments and services. If there is a power outage affecting a building where Student Health Services is located, we follow university guidance and may close during that time.

When possible, Student Health Services will be available by phone or for scheduled telehealth appointments during unexpected closures.

Some unexpected events, such as a wide-spread power outage, may impact our ability to provide phone or telehealth services. We will do our best to update our operating status on our website and contact patients regarding their telehealth appointment status.

Students who had appointments scheduled during an unexpected university closure can call to reschedule their appointment. Student Health Services will also try to contact you to reschedule your appointment.

Do you have doctors at Student Health?

Yes, we have board certified doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other medical specialists who work together to help you.

When I graduate, does my eligibility to be seen at Student Health Services end?

Yes, your eligibility will end. Currently enrolled students are eligible for care. Patients may continue to receive health care from your provider at Student Health Services until the end of the month in which you graduate from George Mason University.

Congratulations on your accomplishment graduates!

Do I have to wear a face mask or face covering to my appointment?

If you have symptoms of COVID, were exposed to COVID within the last 10 days, or have active respiratory symptoms (such as fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, etc…), you should wear a mask to help reduce the spread of illness in Student Health Services.

If you do not have respiratory symptoms, face masks are optional, but you may choose to wear one at your appointment.

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of audio and video technology to offer services to patients who are not in the same physical location as their provider.  These are scheduled appointments with a medical or behavioral health provider and are conducted via video conferencing or telephone.

To learn more, go to our telehealth appointment webpage.

Can Student Health administer my currently prescribed injection medication in clinic?

Yes, we can administer a student’s currently prescribed injection medication at one of our clinics. There is a fee for this service. 

To request this service, have your prescribing provider complete the Injectable Medication Order Authorization. Call 703-993-2831 to schedule an initial consultation appointment with us. Bring the completed form with you for review.

Once approved for administration at Student Health Services (SHS), this form must be updated annually. The student is responsible for providing the medication to SHS.