Student Health Services

Men’s Health

It is important for all students to maintain good health. Student Health Services provides many services and resources to address the health issues that men may face. 

If you have questions or concerns about your own health, please call Student Health Services (703-993-2831).

We utilize a holistic approach to healthcare and our services are tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Regular health exams are for all students regardless of their sex assigned at birth, gender, sexual orientation and whether or not they are sexually active.

Currently enrolled students are eligible to receive primary care services. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • diagnosis and treatment of illness or injury
  • screening exams
  • health and wellness counseling

Student Health Services can  provide referrals to healthcare providers and specialists in the community as needed.

The Health Information Translations website has health information in multiple languages (like Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, and Spanish), including information about how to conduct a testicular self-exam.

STI Screening and Health Education

Student Health Services provides confidential counseling on Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention and risk reduction as well as screening, diagnosis and treatment for STIs.  Our healthcare providers can discuss other problems and concerns related sexual health. Call (703-993-2831) to schedule an appointment.

Additional Resources

Centers for Disease Control

Men’s Health Topics (MedlinePlus)

Center of Excellence for Transgender Health

Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender Health Information (CDC)

Mens Health Network

Young Mens Health