Student Health Services does not provide initial evaluation or treatment for ADD/ADHD.
When specific criteria are met, Student Health can provide follow-up appointments and write prescriptions for the continuation of ADD/ADHD treatment.
ADD/ADHD Medication Criteria
Students who are requesting stimulant medications for the treatment of ADD/ADHD must have:
- Documentation of ADD/ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment Form completed and signed by their psychiatrist or doctor.
- A completed Consent Form which allows your health care provider to send required information to Student Health Services. You can use the Request to Release Records TO Mason Form.
- A Cardiovascular screening assessment for risk of stimulant medication and a cardiac examination. This may be performed at Student Health Services. Please complete the Cardiovascular Screening Form before your appointment. If an EKG is needed there is a fee for this procedure.
If the documentation is approved, you will be required to read and sign the ADD/ADHD Medication Contract. Prescriptions can be filled on a monthly basis; an appointment is required.
Student Health does not provide replacements for lost or stolen prescriptions or medications.
While waiting for the required documents, a one-time prescription for one month can be written only if you have evidence that you were previously prescribed the requested medication (for example, a medicine bottle).
If the required documentation is not approved by Student Health Services, the student will be referred to their previous provider or to a community provider.