High Volume of Immunization Calls & Submissions

You will get a secure message in the Portal once your records are processed.Read more

Incomplete Records, Late Fee, Account Hold

Notification of Incomplete Records

We recommend you submit your Mason Immunization Record Form and supporting documentation early. Submitting early allows students additional time to obtain necessary vaccinations or locate information if necessary.

The Immunization Office will review immunization records. A student whose records are not complete will receive an email to their Mason email account. The email will direct the student to log into the Patient Portal to get information about missing requirements. Check your junk/spam/other folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

Log into the Patient Portal to check your immunization status. Select “Messages” in the Portal navigation menu. If the status is incomplete, the message will explain what requirement is missing or needs to be updated.  Students can also check status by selecting “Immunizations – “View History” from the Portal navigation menu. A message will state “Overall Status – Verified” once immunizations are complete. If you have not met a requirement, then the vaccine will be listed under Missing Immunization. Vaccines will appear in the ‘Item on File’ section.

After you submit the required documentation, check the portal again for your updated record status. Allow time for records processing.

Missing or Incomplete Documentation

If you are missing any required immunizations or documentation, or your dates are inconsistent with mandated requirements, you may receive immunizations or titers:

  • At another healthcare facility in the United States
  • At Mason’s Student Health clinic
  • In your home country (please provide your healthcare professional with the Mason Immunization Record Form)

Do I need to resubmit or turn in multiple Immunization Record Forms if I am missing one or two requirements?

Late Fee and Account Holds

If immunization records or documentation is incomplete after the appropriate semester deadline, students will be assessed a $50 late fee. Late fees will be applied the day after the  “Last Day to Drop with 100% Tuition Refund” for the full semester per the Registrar’s calendar.

If immunization records or documentation is still incomplete after October 1 for those admitted for summer/fall semesters or March 1 for those admitted for spring semester, a hold will be placed on your Patriot Web account. This hold will prevent you from registering for future classes and may prevent you from taking other actions related to your account, and can possibly have future Visa issues for international students. The hold will be lifted once you are fully compliant with your immunizations and the late fee has been paid.

Note: Students whose records were due prior to October 1, 2016 will have a $25 late fee.

Late Fee Payment and Account Holds Removal

Pay your late fee online through the Mason Marketplace. Do not pay the late fee at Student Accounts.

If you are making a payment online, allow 24 – 48 business hours for your payment to reflect in our system. Student account holds can only be removed during regular hours Monday-Friday. Payments made after 4:30pm will be processed the next business day. Payments will not be processed on holidays, weekends, or any day the university is closed.

In the Patient Portal, select “Statements” to view the balance of the late fee and payments reflected in our system, once processed.

Immunization record requirements must be completed and late fee paid before account holds will be removed.