Health and Well-Being Promotion
Hello, Patriots! My name is Stephanie Amirsoltani (she/her), the Health and Well-Being Coordinator at Student Health Services. My role is dedicated to advancing health and well-being on campus.
As a two-time alum of George Mason, earning my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and my Master of Public Health, I am thrilled to be promoting health and well-being at the university that taught me what I know. Throughout my professional career, I have intentionally worked to combine experiences from the field of nursing and the field of public health to develop holistic and equitable health programming. As a health educator, I am deeply committed to enhancing health literacy and empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health. I look forward to connecting with you!
Additional Resources
Do you want more information about a health topic? Use our navigation menu to view selected topics.
Several trusted options to search online:
- UpToDate search tool. When searching, choose ‘Patient’ in the menu and select “Patient Education – Beyond the Basics” documents.
- Health Information Translations offers health info in many languages
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Institutes of Health
- Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine