Mason resident advisers (RAs) or registered student organizations (RSOs) can submit this form to request external/male condoms for building residents or event attendees only. Mason departments/offices can also submit requests. Allow up to 7 business days to process your order. You will be sent an email with pick up instructions when your order is ready. Confirmed orders must be picked up within 7 days; after that time orders will be returned to stock. Pick up location will be Student Health Services (SUB 1, Room 2300). Bring your Mason ID to show at pick up. Please note, we may not be able to accommodate all requests for safer sex supplies.
Individual Mason students can pick up free external condoms and dental dams from the sexual health dispensers: At Fairfax campus in the SUB 1 Patriots Lounge, on the wall between restrooms, or in the Johnson Center first floor lobby, on the wall near blue lockers during building hours. At Mason Square campus, outside the clinic in Van Metre Hall, B 102. At SciTech campus, stop by the clinic in Colgan Hall Room 229 during operating hours.
Notice 8/12/24: Currently out of stock of latex-free condoms. Any placed orders will not be fulfilled.